(FAQs) – Green Torch Coral (Euphyllia glabrescens) Care

The Green Torch Coral, scientifically known as Euphyllia glabrescens, is a captivating and popular addition to marine aquariums.

Q: What lighting is suitable for Green Torch Coral?
A: Green Torch Coral prefers moderate to high lighting levels. Metal Halide, T5 fluorescent, or LED lighting fixtures with a color spectrum ranging between 10,000K to 20,000K are commonly used for optimal growth and coloration. It is important to provide a gradual acclimation to intense lighting to prevent stress or tissue damage.

Q: How should I feed my Green Torch Coral?
A: Green Torch Coral is primarily photosynthetic and derives a significant portion of its nutrition through symbiotic algae called zooxanthellae. However, it also benefits from supplemental feeding. Target feeding with small meaty foods, such as brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, or finely chopped marine flesh, can be done 1-2 times per week. Additionally, it can capture small zooplankton from the water column using its extended tentacles.

Q: How do I maintain proper water flow for Green Torch Coral?
A: Green Torch Coral prefers moderate water flow, as excessive flow can cause tissue damage. Positioning the coral in an area of moderate water movement, away from the strong direct flow, will help maintain its health. You can also use powerheads or wavemakers to create gentle, oscillating currents in the tank.

Q: Can Green Torch Coral sting or harm other corals?
A: Green Torch Coral has long sweeper tentacles that can extend at night or when irritated. These tentacles can sting and harm nearby corals or sessile invertebrates. Ensure that you leave sufficient spacing between the Green Torch Coral and other corals to prevent aggression and provide ample room for growth.

Q: How fast does Green Torch Coral grow?
A: Green Torch Coral is a relatively slow-growing species. Under optimal conditions, it can grow about 1-2 inches per year. However, growth rates can vary depending on factors such as lighting, water quality, and feeding frequency.

Q: How do I propagate Green Torch Coral?
A: Green Torch Coral can be propagated through methods such as fragging or division. Carefully cut or break off a healthy branch or head of the coral, ensuring you have a piece that contains both polyps and some tissue. Allow the frag to heal and attach to a suitable substrate before repositioning it in the aquarium.

Remember, every coral is unique, and individual care requirements may vary slightly. It is important to closely observe your Green Torch Coral’s behavior and make adjustments accordingly to provide the best care possible.