Green Torch Coral (Euphyllia glabrescens) Guide to Care

The Green Torch Coral, scientifically known as Euphyllia glabrescens, is a captivating and popular addition to marine aquariums.

Transform your marine aquarium into a captivating underwater oasis with the addition of the Electric Green Torch Coral, scientifically known as Euphyllia glabrescens. This remarkable coral species, renowned for its vibrant green coloration and unique torch-like tentacles, brings an enchanting beauty and dynamic energy to any reef tank. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the care requirements and optimal water parameters necessary to ensure the health and vitality of the Electric Green Torch Coral in aquarium settings.

The Electric Green Torch Coral serves as a focal point, drawing the eyes of aquarium enthusiasts and captivating even the most seasoned reef keepers. Its distinctive appearance, with fluorescent green polyps extending from its skeleton, creates a mesmerizing spectacle that mimics the flickering flames of torches gently swaying with the currents. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced reef keeper, this coral is a prized addition that will undoubtedly elevate the aesthetic appeal of your aquarium.

But like all living organisms, the Electric Green Torch Coral requires specific care to thrive in a captive environment. By understanding its unique needs and providing the ideal conditions, you can ensure the coral’s longevity and witness its growth and beauty flourish right before your eyes. In this blog, we will not only explore the essential care guidelines but also delve into the precise water parameters necessary to create optimal habitat for this captivating coral species.

So, if you’re ready to embark on a journey that combines artistry and science, where vibrant green hues dance gracefully amidst the currents, then join us as we unravel the secrets to caring for the Electric Green Torch Coral. Discover how to create an underwater haven that showcases this coral’s vibrant splendor and showcases the natural wonders of the marine world within the confines of your very own aquarium. Let’s dive in!

Lighting and Placement:

Proper lighting is crucial for the successful growth of the Electric Green Torch Coral. It requires moderate to high-intensity lighting, preferably provided by reef-specific LED lights or metal halide fixtures. Position the coral in the mid to upper levels of the tank, allowing it access to adequate light without exposing it to direct, intense lighting.

In addition to providing the right lighting conditions, it is crucial to maintain a consistent lighting schedule. Electric Green Torch Coral benefits from a regular day-night cycle, simulating the natural lighting patterns found in the ocean. This helps regulate the coral’s biological processes, such as feeding and reproduction, and promotes its overall health and growth.

Water Flow:

Proper water flow is of utmost importance for the health and well-being of Electric Green Torch Corals (Euphyllia glabrescens) in a reef aquarium. Maintaining a moderate water flow is considered ideal for these corals. This gentle yet consistent water movement can be achieved by utilizing powerheads or wavemakers, which provide a variety of benefits for the coral’s overall health.

Powerheads and wavemakers are reliable tools for creating water movement within the aquarium. Powerheads are submersible pumps that generate water flow, while wavemakers offer programmable and dynamic flow patterns. By strategically placing these devices in the aquarium, hobbyists can simulate the random water movement that Electric Green Torch Corals experience in their natural habitat. This type of flow not only contributes to a more realistic environment but also enhances the coral’s feeding response and promotes better nutrient uptake.

Ensuring that the Electric Green Torch Coral receives adequate water flow is crucial for maintaining its health. The gentle water movement serves as a natural means of carrying away waste, detritus, and debris that may settle on the coral’s surface. By preventing the accumulation of these substances, the risk of harmful bacteria or algae growth is minimized, promoting cleaner water conditions. Additionally, unobstructed water flow allows for efficient exchange of gases and nutrients around the coral, supporting its metabolic processes and overall growth.

By providing adequate lighting, appropriate water flow, and maintaining optimal water parameters, you can create a thriving environment for this stunning coral species.

Water Parameters:

Maintaining stable and appropriate water parameters is vital for the health and well-being of the Electric Green Torch Coral. Here are the recommended water parameters:

  • Temperature: Maintain a stable temperature between 75°F (24°C) and 80°F (27°C).
  • Salinity: Keep salinity levels consistent at 1.025 specific gravity (sg).
  • pH: Maintain a pH level between 8.1 and 8.4.
  • Ammonia and Nitrite: Undetectable levels (0 ppm) of both ammonia and nitrite are essential.
  • Nitrate: Keep nitrate levels as low as possible, ideally below 10 ppm.
  • Phosphate: Maintain phosphate levels below 0.03 ppm.
  • Alkalinity and Calcium: Maintain appropriate levels of alkalinity (8-12 dKH) and calcium (380-450 ppm) to promote coral growth and skeletal development.
  • Magnesium: Maintain magnesium levels between 1250-1350 ppm to support calcium and alkalinity stability.

Regular testing using accurate water testing kits will help monitor and adjust these parameters as needed.

Water Quality and Filtration:

Maintaining pristine water quality is crucial for the successful growth and well-being of the Electric Green Torch Coral (Euphyllia glabrescens) in your aquarium. Here are some important tips to help you maintain optimal water conditions for this coral species:

Regular Water Changes: Performing regular water changes is an essential practice in keeping the water quality high. Regular water changes of 10-20% every two weeks help dilute and remove accumulated toxins, waste, and other substances that can negatively impact the coral. Additionally, water changes replenish essential elements and minerals that may become depleted over time, providing a more stable and suitable environment for the Electric Green Torch Coral.

Protein Skimmer: Incorporating a protein skimmer into your filtration system is highly beneficial for maintaining excellent water quality. A protein skimmer efficiently removes organic waste, proteins, and other dissolved organic compounds from the water column. By creating a frothy mixture of air and water, the skimmer separates and removes these substances, promoting water clarity and reducing the potential for nutrient buildup that can fuel unwanted algae growth.

Filtration: Utilizing a high-quality mechanical and chemical filtration system is crucial for effective water filtration. Mechanical filtration, such as filter pads or filter socks, physically traps and removes debris, uneaten food, and other particulate matter from the water. This helps prevent these substances from breaking down and negatively impacting water quality. Chemical filtration media, such as activated carbon or phosphate removers, can be employed to further purify the water by adsorbing impurities and excess nutrients.

It is important to ensure that the filtration system is properly maintained and cleaned regularly to prevent clogs or inefficiencies. Regularly replacing mechanical filter media and periodically replacing or recharging chemical media will ensure that the filtration system continues to function optimally, promoting clear and high-quality water for the Electric Green Torch Coral.

Monitoring water parameters, such as temperature, salinity, pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels, is essential for maintaining water quality. Regular testing and adjustments should be made to keep these parameters within the appropriate range for the coral’s well-being.

In summary, maintaining optimal water quality is crucial for the successful care of the Electric Green Torch Coral. Regular water changes, the use of a protein skimmer, and employing a high-quality mechanical and chemical filtration system are important practices to ensure pristine water conditions. By implementing these tips and regularly monitoring water parameters, you create a clean and stable environment that supports the growth and health of the Electric Green Torch Coral in your aquarium.


The Electric Green Torch Coral is primarily photosynthetic and derives a significant portion of its nutritional requirements through photosynthesis. However, it also benefits from supplemental feedings. Feed the coral small meaty foods, such as mysis shrimp or finely chopped marine-based foods, once or twice a week. Avoid overfeeding, as it can lead to poor water quality.

Coral Placement and Compatibility:

When introducing the Electric Green Torch Coral (Euphyllia glabrescens) into your aquarium, it is crucial to consider its territorial nature and provide appropriate spacing between neighboring corals. These corals have long, sweeping tentacles that can extend outward, and they may exhibit aggressive behaviors towards other corals if they come into contact. To prevent such interactions and potential damage, it is recommended to leave ample space between the Electric Green Torch Coral and other corals within the tank.

By allowing enough distance between neighboring corals, you provide each coral with its own territory and reduce the risk of aggressive encounters. This spacing also ensures that the Electric Green Torch Coral can expand and extend its tentacles without interference or damage to surrounding corals. It is essential to observe the growth patterns and behavior of the coral over time, as they may extend their reach further than initially anticipated. Adjustments to the coral’s positioning can be made if needed to maintain suitable spacing and prevent any territorial conflicts.

In addition to providing adequate spacing, it is vital to ensure that the Electric Green Torch Coral is securely anchored within the aquarium. The coral’s base should be firmly attached to a stable substrate or a rock structure to prevent it from toppling over or being knocked over by active tank inhabitants. The Electric Green Torch Coral has a heavier skeleton compared to some other coral species, so it requires a secure placement to maintain its upright position.

Using epoxy or specialized coral glue can help secure the coral in place, providing stability and minimizing the risk of accidental dislodgment. Care should be taken to ensure that the glue or epoxy is applied only to the base of the coral, avoiding contact with the delicate coral tissues. By anchoring the Electric Green Torch Coral securely, you create a safer environment that reduces the chances of physical damage to the coral or disruption of its feeding and light requirements.

Regular monitoring and observation of the coral’s positioning and interactions with other tank inhabitants are crucial. If any signs of aggression or contact between corals are observed, adjustments to the coral’s placement may be necessary. By carefully managing the territorial aspects and anchoring of the Electric Green Torch Coral, you provide a conducive environment for its growth and prevent potential conflicts within the aquarium.

Monitoring and Maintenance:

Regular observation and monitoring of the Electric Green Torch Coral (Euphyllia glabrescens) are paramount for maintaining its health and addressing any potential issues in a timely manner. By staying vigilant and attentive, you can detect early signs of stress or changes in the coral’s condition, allowing you to take necessary actions promptly.

One crucial aspect of monitoring the Electric Green Torch Coral is to be aware of signs of stress. Keep a close eye on the coral’s appearance and behavior. Look for any indications of tissue recession, where the flesh of the coral begins to recede or retract. This could be a sign of poor water quality, inadequate lighting, or aggression from tankmates. Additionally, observe any fading or dullness in the coral’s coloration, as this may suggest nutrient deficiencies or lighting issues. Unusual behavior, such as excessive tentacle retraction or lack of extension, could also be a cause for concern.

If any concerns arise during your observation, it is vital to take prompt action. Firstly, evaluate and adjust the water parameters of the aquarium. Ensure that the temperature, salinity, pH, and nutrient levels are within the appropriate range for the coral. Any deviations from the optimal conditions can lead to stress and affect the coral’s health. Make the necessary changes to restore a stable and suitable environment for the Electric Green Torch Coral.

In addition to water parameters, assess the lighting conditions provided for the coral. Verify that the intensity, spectrum, and duration of the lighting are appropriate for the coral’s requirements. Insufficient or excessive lighting can lead to bleaching, reduced growth, or weakened immune response. Make adjustments to the lighting setup if needed, considering the specific needs of the Electric Green Torch Coral.

Another factor to consider when addressing any concerns is the presence of aggressive tankmates. Some fish or invertebrates may harass or damage the coral, causing stress and potential tissue damage. If you notice any aggressive behavior towards the coral, consider removing the problematic tankmate or rearranging the aquarium to create a more harmonious environment for the coral.

Regular monitoring and intervention are key to maintaining the health and well-being of the Electric Green Torch Coral. By promptly addressing any issues or changes in the coral’s health, you can prevent further deterioration and ensure its long-term success in the aquarium. Remember to consult reputable sources, seek advice from experienced hobbyists, or consult with professionals if needed to optimize the care for your Electric Green Torch Coral.


The Electric Green Torch Coral, with its mesmerizing appearance and graceful swaying tentacles, is an alluring addition to a marine aquarium. By providing adequate lighting, appropriate water flow, and maintaining optimal water parameters, you can create a thriving environment for this stunning coral species. With proper care and attention, your Electric Green Torch Coral will reward you with a vibrant and captivating display of color and movement, enhancing the beauty of your aquarium for years to come.

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